October, 2018

Via Francigena

Cats of Francigena

History of Francigena

Colonia Felina di Torre Argentina

The City of Rome

Start Music Manually

A Pilgrimage; Viterbo to Rome

In 2016 we journeyed the Portugal Coastal Ways Camino. After which we had no further plans for any more such experiences. At the time, many people asked why we made that journey. We were no spring chickens. We weren't hikers. Not affluent people. Yet, that experience enriched our lives and memories forever.

2018. Despite our best laid plans, a couple of weeks ago we journeyed the Via Francigena Pilgrimage from Viterbo to Rome. Despite us being older, 69/74, still weren't hikers and have less money than we did back then. It came to be. Though this journey was less in days, it didn't lack for intensity, emergence into another culture from our own and surrounded us with spiritual growth opportunities.

This, of course, brought to the forefront the same questions of purpose. Why? And though I am occasionally a believer of not knowing why is a reason why, as well as the means justifies the end, rather than the end justifies the means, I haven't found any better description than I did in 2016 while traveling on the Camino.

Thus, I share it again.

"Life is perpetually calling me to greater expressions of my Christ Potential. While times of rest provide essential nourishment during my life journey, occasionally, I may catch myself lingering for too long in the safety of the known. Am I stuck in a rut? Am I striving for my full potential?

Spirit is calling me to seek out opportunities for growth. I might elect to take on a hobby, join a community, or some other commitment that invites me to more fully express my God-given gifts. Taking on challenges as well as squarely meeting the ones before me helps me to build fortitude and flexibility.

By being willing to get out of my comfort zone, I expand my horizons, gaining confidence to handle new, unexpected situations."

Now that we finished our Pilgrimage of the Via Francigena, we have no further plans for any more such experiences. That is our thinking for today.

And yet, tomorrow the sun will rise again, with it may shine plans for us never imagined. Our faith, willingness, imagination, acceptance, will make all the difference with what journeys we may travel in our future.

It is up to us to continue to take that first step.

Cats of Via Francigena

Colonia Felina di Torre Argentina

City of Rome